How to change columns displayed when viewing a class roster

1. Go to 'Student Data Grid'

2. Click on the ICON 'Select Columns to Display'

Add the fields you want to see in the class roster by clicking on them
on the right side of the screen, and then click on the 'Add' button in
the middle of the screen (It is an arrow pointing left)

4. Delete the
fields you don't want to see in the class roster by clicking on them on
the left side of the screen, and then click on the 'Delete' button in
the middle of the screen (It is an arrow pointing right)

5. You can
change the order of the fields by selecting a field on the left side and
click on the 'Move Up' or 'Move Down' buttons located in the bottom
left corner of the screen.

6. Click 'Done' when you are satisfied with the order of the columns.

7. Click on the 'Grid Options' Icon in the middle of the screen.

8. Check the box named 'Save these Options and Current Column-Setup as My Grid defaults For fields related to student schedules'

9. Click 'Done'

back to your home page and click on a class roster. You will see the
changes that you made. You can always repeat the process if you want to
add or delete columns, or change the order.